Naturopathic Medicine

About Naturopathic Care

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of primary care medicine that blends conventional medicine with natural therapies such as herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle counseling. Naturopathic physicians are clinically trained as primary care physicians, and complete undergraduate education with premedical prerequisites, as well as a four-year naturopathic medical school. A key focus of care is the identification of the underlying causes of disease, with an approach that emphasizes that the body has an innate ability to heal when given proper support. A Naturopathic Doctor (ND) looks at all factors contributing to a person’s health, including body, mind, and spirit.

For more information on naturopathic care:

For more information on naturopathic education:

Note regarding state of Pennsylvania:

Until the state of Pennsylvania begins regulating or licensing naturopathic doctors, Khara Lucius ND continues to hold a license to practice naturopathic medicine in the state of New Hampshire. This means that all consultations provided are educational in nature, and no medical care of any kind is provided.

For more information on the state of naturopathic care in Pennsylvania: